Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ancia Asterling

::Still needs to be rewritten::

(Approved by Gracie)

Name: Ancia Asterling (pronounced: ahn-SEE-uh)


Race: Water nymph (Naiad)

Sex: Female

Hair: Long, wavy, turquoise tresses that fall to her mid-back, with a simple, golden headband worn around her head.

Eyes: Deep green that appears to swirl like water.

Weight: 98 pounds


Theme Song: Water Symphony (Luin Theme) (Tales of Symphonia)

Known Family:
Poseidon – father
Muse of the arts (name unknown, thought to be Artemesia) – mother
Keldar - cousin
Hades - uncle
Zeus - uncle
Arlen Drago Asterling - husband

Homeplace: Phaedorna River, Phaedorna, Grecia, Panthea (river, country, continent, world)

Languages: The words of a nymph can be understood by anyone; and vice versa, the words of anyone can be understood by a nymph. It all sounds similar to Greek, to her.

Weapon: An enchanted paintbrush approximately half her height capable of painting illusions and channeling weak water magic. Its handle is crafted of white stone and the bristles of strong, tan-colored equine hair. The “paint” is made of an unknown substance, and is renewed when dipped in a body of water or rained on.

Armor: None

Strengths: Ancia is skilled at evading and eluding foes, and can blend in with her surroundings easily in watery areas. As a water nymph, she is also capable of breathing underwater, and bending liquids to her will.

Weaknesses: Ancia is very weak physically, and not much of a tactician. She’s naïve and innocent, and easily tricked in trusting her enemies and letting down her defenses. She also has a merely average level of control with offensive magic.

Skills/Magic: Ancia can quickly paint illusions and uses a few water spells with her paintbrush.

Duplicate- Ancia paints multiple illusionary copies of herself, which fan out around attackers and are capable of movement. A maximum of twelve copies can be created before paint supply must be renewed. Illusions last up to ten minutes.

Mirage- Ancia creates an illusion of another person, item, or place, which appear entirely real to her foe, but are not capable of actual physical contact with them. Illusions of people are capable of speech. Time each mirage takes to create depends on the size of desired illusion. Illusions of people and items may last as long as twenty minutes, illusions of places last for as much as ten. Paint supply must be renewed after this spell.

Geyser- A hot jet of water and steam is blasted at the foe from the bristles of the paintbrush. Steam obscures vision, heated water jet can scald, and is intense enough to push an average-sized human male. Paint supply must be replenished after attack.

Blessed Rain- A skill granted to Ancia as a water nymph, she may recite an incantation to call for rain. The rain recharges her paint supply, and will keep it from depleting for as long as the downpour lasts. Incantation takes 8-10 minutes, storms last 3-5 minutes in most conditions.

Storm- When greatly angered, Ancia goes into a temper tantrum and can conjure up a mild storm using her abilities as a water nymph. Often these storms consist of heavy rain and startling thunderclaps, but no lighting has ever been created. Storm lasts from 3-5 minutes. Ancia is severely drained after storm subsides.

Beckoning of the Tides- Without any conscious effort aside from the will to perform the act, Ancia can summon surging columns and blasts from any nearby body of water. The attack often drags in foes with strong tides down into the drowning depths afterwards.

Groundquake- Ancia takes this ability of hers as further proof that she is the daughter of Poseidon--when angered, she is capable of creating mild tremors and quakes by will alone that can be devastating to singular foes.

Appearance: Ancia is an attractive, light turquoise-skinned nymph, with a very ethereal look about her. She wears a cerulean blue halter top with broad, golden lining around the neckline and straps, and a pair of loose-fitting, blue-green clamdigger trousers fastened at the waist with a golden belt. On one of her arms, she wears a golden armband adorned with mythical designs. She is barefoot, and when in water her feet will meld with it so that the water appears to be flowing into her from toe to head. Ancia carries her paintbrush in her hands at all times.


Personality: Unlike her fellow nymphs, Ancia is neither seductive nor mischievous. She has been known to be very innocent and naïve, and has a very cheerful disposition. She is kind to both enemies and allies, and will try to make friends with someone before resorting to fighting. When pushed over the edge, Ancia becomes very emotional, and occasionally throws temper tantrums. The nymph is accustomed to getting her way, and being treated with the utmost courtesy.

Biography: Ancia is believed to be an illegitimate daughter of Poseidon and one of the nine muses of the arts. She was gifted her enchanted paintbrush by her mother, and her weapon was granted powers over water by her father, but neither endeavored to teach her the proper use of the item. She herself believes in the rumors of her birth, and takes great pride in being the supposed offspring of a god.

Ancia was left at a river when she was young, and when found by people in a nearby village, she was hailed as the goddess of the body of water. Ancia accepted her position, and interacted with the villagers often as a sign of her goodwill towards them. They brought her offerings of food and fine clothing, and one of the village’s artisans took it upon himself to teach her to paint with her--unbeknownst to him--magical paintbrush. During each session of the tutoring, the nymph’s artwork would transform into very realistic illusions after each piece was finished, and this convinced the villagers even more so that she was a deity. They called upon her from time to time to protect the river from nymphs and lesser gods who came to conquer their life-giving source of water and use it for their own purposes. These envious creatures are often held back by the ocean when they try to mount an attack, making it seem as if the sea god himself were protecting Ancia.

Ancia ruled as a nymph, masquerading as a goddess, throughout several generations, and still continues to guard her river to this day. She has lived under the guise of a deity for so long that she now fancies herself as one. Those who challenge that assertion are often exiled from the village by the people, or the nymph herself.
Coolest Character Power - Fall BA 2009

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[url=""]Lingering Time[/url] (in progress)
[url=""]A Grecian Family Reunion[/url] (dropped)
[url=""]Water and Oil Mix[/url] (in progress)