Sunday, April 12, 2009

Madrigal sisters and Avello mini-profiles

::The following still needs to be rewritten::

Name: Avello

Age: 4

Race: Dragon

Sex: Male

Eyes: A vivid, slightly yellowish green.

Weight: Several tons
Height: As large as a two-story house

Skills/Magic: Being a dragon, Avello is capable of flight and breathing fire, and has tough, steel-like scales, horns, teeth, and claws.

Appearance: Avello is an adolescent dragon with brilliant violet scales, short white cranial horns, and bright, curious green eyes. His wings are strong and graceful, and their span is longer than he is tall, making them one of his most striking of features. He usually has a hint of mischief on his face, and is very expressive for a reptile, as he was raised by a human and not by fellow dragons.

Personality: As one of the two living beings he first saw, Avello has developed a strong attachment to his owner Cadenza, and is often worried over her well-being. He hates to leave her side, content in following her like a baby duck does its mother, and when refused that option, can become fussy and a little rebellious. He’s accustomed to her attitude and unemotional way of showing care for him, and follows most of her orders without question. Towards others, he’s quiet and somewhat stand-offish, unless they give him a reason to behave otherwise.

"xD Yes, my teacher at the Dome, LEA, had her character Sileya saddle Cadenza with the responsibility of guarding and caring for an abandoned dragon egg (and later, the dragon that hatched from it.) Cadenza was grudging, as with many things, at first, but the little bugger started to grow on her. Avello, as she named him ("conqueror of the skies" in an old language, she explained then), is a purple dragon with yellow-green eyes and cream horns, who's grown darn fast, from a mischievous little runt to a big, oafish, well-meaning behemoth. He loves his momma like the dickens and enjoys dumpster diving for snacks, along with big cuts of slightly-cooked meat. x3

His speech is a mixture of natural dragon grunting, roaring, groans, etc. and his best attempts to mimic human sounds, as heard from his "mother" Cadenza. His most recognizable word is "morgh", for "mom" or "mommy". x3 Cadenza often treats him with tough love, and calls him various nicknames, like "lardbag", "tubs", etc. He likes being petted best between the horns, and doesn't know his own strength most of the time. His fire gets some of its heat from chemicals mixing in his moody tummy, but he seems to be able to digest most things, much of it junk.

He considers Cadenza his mother, without question, no matter how much you insist to him that a human could not have given birth to a dragon. It does not matter to him who produced his egg and left him. She raised him, from a baby, to his strange, eventful "puberty", and now into the big beast he is today, showing love in her own way, even during what was a rough time for her then, when she'd first gotten him (the big climax to her power struggles with her sisters, her eldest sister's death, adjusting to the Dome, mourning her first husband, mother's illness, etc.) He considers Kate and Jessi his sisters, and isn't sure what to think of his mommy's "mate", Rain, because he sees his kindness and gentleness as being "submissive". xD He registers his mother's more tough love as just a natural display of who is the matriarch in the family, the protector and provider. Tirry's dragon Laurana is also now like a sister to him, and a dear new friend.

He lives in Cadenza's huge backyard, behind the big new house she inherited when her old boyfriend Johnny Bones ascended to Heaven. He drinks water from tubs, hates wet weather (so the desert is great for him), and only lets Cadenza feed him much of the time, because she throws his food at him, like he likes. He likes catching it in his teeth. All in all, he's a curious, quirky, funny dragon. x3 She's had him for years now. He's a part of the family.


Uncolored pic of him:]ZUBA: Avello Relaxing by ~SuperAiko on deviantART"

The Other Madrigal Sisters (profiles to be used as reference for "Her Rebellion" and future works):

Name: Algretta Madrigal

Age: 35

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Hair: Black, long, and straight. Tied up in a tight braid, with short, side-swept bangs that barely reach past her brows.

Eyes: Cerulean blue

Weight: 137 pounds

Height: 5’5 1/2”

Weapon: A metallic rod, with blue steel rings at the base of a pentagonal head.

Armor: None

Skills/Magic: Algretta specializes in water magic, but her true skills reside in the handling of machinery and other technology.

Staccato Burst Water- Hurls short, intensified bursts of pure water magic at an enemy.

Harmony- After chanting a spell (usually taking from 2-3 minutes), Algretta may call upon a spell from one of her other sisters. Strength of spell depends on proximity of other sisters.

Song of the Madrigal- A lyrical song written in Old Rubatoian for Cadenza and her four sisters by their mother Sonya, the song of the Madrigal is a chant that allows one sister in a desperate situation to bind the magic of another sister, or send her own power to that sister, whichever she chooses. Each sister has another that is their contrast, and is the one they have the power to bind; for Vivace with her fire, there is Algretta with water; for Luminari with light, there is Cadenza with shadow. Arietta with wind is their mother's contrast, for earth, and serves as a balance; when she sings the spell, whatever the other sisters may have changed is returned to normal, and powers are restored.

The spell has only been used once so far, by Cadenza, in Let's Start Anew, when she sang it to bind her sister Luminari's powers in order to purge the Spirit of Light from her. Algretta has yet to reveal her part in the song.

It is unknown what might have happened had all five sisters ever sung the song together, but with Vivace's death, it will never be learned.

Appearance: Algretta is the only one of the Madrigal sisters to wear glasses. She prefers to wear a thin, navy blue rimmed pair, with lenses that function like transitional lenses. Like all of her family, she has an olive complexion. She also wears mascara and blue eyeshadow on occasion.

Algretta wears a loose-fitting, blue cotton blouse, with dark blue buttons up the front, and a pair of navy blue trousers. Her pants are cinched at the waist by a gray utility belt filled with odds and ends used when tinkering with machinery. On her feet, she wears black slippers with a fish pattern embroidered in blue gemstones.

Personality: Of all the sisters left in Rubato, Algretta seems the least perturbed by the recent turn of effects, and maintains her cool, calculating demeanor and measured approach to life. She exalts logic over emotion, and has thusly remained the most stable person living in the Madrigal household.

Known Inventions:-Wormhole generator and tracker (as seen in "Reasons and Motives")
-Restorative elixir (as seen in "An Unexpected Reunion")
-Beeping internal tracking device (as seen in "An Unexpected Reunion")
-Shocker bracelet (as seen in "On the Sandy Streets")
-Temperature bracer (as seen in "Her Rebellion")

Name: Luminari Madrigal

Age: 32

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Hair: Black, shoulder-length, and very curly. Held back from face by a headband made of pink fabric.

Eyes: Deep green

Weight: 119 pounds

Height: 5’4 1/2”

Weapon: None, her sword being taken from her by Cadenza for use in her gunblade

Armor: None

Skills/Magic: Luminari specializes in light magic and is an amateur healer.

Staccato Burst Light- Hurls short, intensified bursts of pure light magic at an enemy.

Harmony- After chanting a spell (usually taking from 2-3 minutes), Luminari may call upon a spell from one of her other sisters. Strength of spell depends on proximity of other sisters.

Purify- When successful, heals most non-lethal wounds. Amount of energy consumed depends on severity of wound. Spell takes 8-10 minutes to complete.

Song of the Madrigal- A lyrical song written in Old Rubatoian for Cadenza and her four sisters by their mother Sonya, the song of the Madrigal is a chant that allows one sister in a desperate situation to bind the magic of another sister, or send her own power to that sister, whichever she chooses. Each sister has another that is their contrast, and is the one they have the power to bind; for Vivace with her fire, there is Algretta with water; for Luminari with light, there is Cadenza with shadow. Arietta with wind is their mother's contrast, for earth, and serves as a balance; when she sings the spell, whatever the other sisters may have changed is returned to normal, and powers are restored.

The spell has only been used once so far, by Cadenza, in Let's Start Anew, when she sang it to bind her sister Luminari's powers in order to purge the Spirit of Light from her. Luminari is identified in the song as "the light; the tempo; the one who gives energy to the song."

It is unknown what might have happened had all five sisters ever sung the song together, but with Vivace's death, it will never be learned.

Appearance: Luminari wears an ensemble consisting of a yellow, mid-length dress, silver chain belt, and pink, button-up shrug. She has an olive-complexion, and wears yellow eyeshadow and pink lipstick, along with matching pink pearl earrings and a necklace. As for shoes, Luminari wears a pair of pink, comfortable slippers, similar to Cadenza's old ones.

Personality: Luminari was utterly broken by the loss of her sister and idol, Vivace. While she tries to maintain a peaceful exterior, on the inside, she’s become an emotional wreck, and retains her unpredictability in her actions.

Name: Arietta Madrigal

Age: 31

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Hair: Black, wavy, and short. Tied up in a loose ponytail with messy, side-swept bangs.

Eyes: Light green

Weight: 125 pounds

Height: 5’5”

Weapon: A collection of nine steel throwing knives, and a small metallic boomerang.

Armor: Steel gauntlets that restrict motion in the wrists slightly, but protect hands from blades.

Skills/Magic: Arietta specializes in wind magic, but is the weakest magically of all her sisters.

Staccato Burst Wind- Hurls short, intensified bursts of pure wind magic at an enemy.

Harmony- After chanting a spell (usually taking from 2-3 minutes), Arietta may call upon a spell from one of her other sisters. Strength of spell depends on proximity of other sisters.

Song of the Madrigal- A lyrical song written in Old Rubatoian for Cadenza and her four sisters by their mother Sonya, the song of the Madrigal is a chant that allows one sister in a desperate situation to bind the magic of another sister, or send her own power to that sister, whichever she chooses. Each sister has another that is their contrast, and is the one they have the power to bind; for Vivace with her fire, there is Algretta with water; for Luminari with light, there is Cadenza with shadow. Arietta with wind is their mother's contrast, for earth, and serves as a balance; when she sings the spell, whatever the other sisters may have changed is returned to normal, and powers are restored.

The spell has only been used once so far, by Cadenza, in Let's Start Anew, when she sang it to bind her sister Luminari's powers in order to purge the Spirit of Light from her. Arietta has yet to reveal her part in the song.

It is unknown what might have happened had all five sisters ever sung the song together, but with Vivace's death, it will never be learned.

Appearance: Arietta is considered the ugly duckling of the Madrigal family, although many men still seem to find her attractive. She wears a tight-fitting green halter top with a matching green choker made of cloth, and black capri pants. On her feet, she wears short black boots.

Like all of her other sisters, she has an olive-colored complexion. She also wears green eyeshadow, to go along with the green-theme of her outfit.

Personality: Arietta initially felt lost and confused without her sister Vivace’s commands, but is gradually beginning to think for herself and act independently. She’s also begun to be a source of solace for her distraught sister, Luminari, and her ill mother, Sonya.